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MAY 13 1966 BOOK �� f'a, - 3,9O <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Bowman, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Lyons, the Board unanimously accepted <br />the one -million gallon wastewater capacity allocation <br />from the City of Vero Beach wastewater treatment plant. <br />Under items_2 and 3, joint action on wastewater treatment <br />plant sludge disposal and handling of septage (septic tank <br />pumpout effluent), Director Pinto advised that we are presently <br />involved in a study for sludge and septage and have asked the <br />consultants to include the City of Vero Beach in that study. The <br />results of the study are expected in 30-40 days, and Mr. Little <br />noted that would be around the same time the City expects their <br />study to be completed, and the consultant will be looking at the <br />financial feasibi I ity of piping toc _ander the 17th <br />Street Bridge over to the golf courses in the Moorings and Indian <br />River Shores. The wetlands area is also being considered. <br />Chairman Scurlock felt that one of the biggest problems is <br />that the DER and the St. Johns Water Management District need to <br />work together, and Mr. Little felt the best way to handle them is <br />to simply. -tell them what we are going to do and then do it. <br />Chairman Scurlock emphasized that many ways of disposing of <br />these things are not legal any longer and the new ways are <br />extremely costly. <br />Commissioner Bird felt assured that we are working together <br />to come up with a solution to this problem and that we should no -t <br />have to hire all kinds of consultants in order to reinvent the <br />wheel, and Mr. Little stressed that the consultants are working <br />together -also. <br />Under item number -4, which is the redefining of service <br />territory boundaries, Director Pinto provided a map with the City <br />and County boundaries outlined. He noted that the City has done <br />a considerable amount of work on this already and felt that we <br />are just about there except for some fine details. He pointed <br />5 <br />