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MAY <br />14 <br />1996 <br />Boot <br />64- P�A I,j� <br />Chairman Scurlock asked <br />if anyone from the Sebastian <br />Squad <br />wished to speak on this matter. <br />Nathan McCollum, Vice President of the Sebastian Fire <br />Department, estimated that the impact fees would amount to <br />approximately $1500. <br />Commissioner Lyons could not see taking money from the <br />General Fund to pay for a separate taxing district's activity. <br />He felt that would be improper and if there is any money to be <br />given to this, it should come from the North County Fire <br />District. <br />Commissioner Bowman felt that would set a precedent for two <br />other stations to be built in the north county area. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Lyons, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bird, that the Board call a meeting of <br />the North County Fire District to vote a donation <br />of $1500 for the impact fees, which would come out of <br />the contingencies account which has a current balance <br />of $19,000. <br />Commissioner Wodtke pointed out that this request should be <br />channelled through the North County Fire Advisory Board before <br />going to the District Board. <br />COMMISSIONERS LYONS AND BIRD AGREED TO WITHDRAW THEIR MOTION <br />as this Board is not sitting as the North County Fire District. <br />Chairman Scurlock advised Mr. McCollum that the consensus is <br />that this matter will go back to the North County Fire Advisory <br />Board with this Board's support for making a donation out the <br />contingencies to pay for the impact fee of the new fire station. <br />34 <br />