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Chairman Scurlock felt that if this problem has just come <br />up, perhaps we should discuss how to fund the dredging at the <br />upcoming budget workshops. <br />Commissioner Bird advised that this matter came up at the <br />Parks 8 Recreation meeting last week and the Committee <br />recommended that the Board authorize Director Davis to secure <br />proper permits for necessary maintenance dredging under the <br />bridges of the Wabasso Causeway and that funds for this purpose <br />be allocated during the 1986-87 budget year once the permits and <br />cost estimates are obtained. While it does have some effect on <br />recreation to the extent that it may improve the water quality, <br />it i's more of an environmental issue. They will check with the <br />Florida Inland Navigation District to see if there is any <br />possibility that they have any funds they could commit to.this <br />purpose, but they don't believe it falls under their bailiwick. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Lyons, that the Board authorize staff <br />to secure proper permits for the necessary maintenance <br />dredging under the bridges of the Wabasso Causeway, and <br />that as soon as the permits are secured and cost <br />estimates are received, that funds for this purpose be <br />allocated during the 1986-87 budget year. <br />Under discussion, Commissioner Bowman asked what they intend <br />to do with the spoil, and Commissioner Bird explained that we <br />need the spoil deposited back on the causeway because of the <br />erosion problem there, and it will also help to hold the cost <br />down. <br />Director Davis recommended, if we do that, that we hold off <br />on the landscaping and some other improvements on that island <br />until the dredging is completed, but Commissioner Bird wished to <br />expedite the building of restroom facilities on the causeway. <br />39 <br />SAY 14 <br />