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ATTACHMENT A <br /> The Recipient is the Indian River County Board of County Commissioners, <br /> 1. HUD's total fund obligation for this project is $70,063 which shall be <br /> allocated as follows: <br /> a. Leasing $0 <br /> b. Supportive services $70,063 <br /> c. Operating costs $0 <br /> d. HMIS $0 <br /> e. Administration $0 <br /> 2. Although this agreement will become effective only upon the execution <br /> hereof by both parties, upon execution, the term of this agreement shall run <br /> from the end of the Recipient's final operating year under the original Grant <br /> Agreement or, if the original Grant Agreement was amended to extend its <br /> term, the term of this agreement shall run from the end of the extension of <br /> the original Grant Agreement term for a period of one (1) year. Eligible <br /> costs, as defined by the Act and Attachment A, incurred between the end of <br /> Recipient's final operating year under the original Grant Agreement, or <br /> extension thereof, and the execution of this Renewal Grant Agreement may <br /> be paid with funds from the first operating year of this Renewal Grant. <br /> (Indian River County Board of County Commissioners <br /> / FL0115B4H090801) <br /> SmeadSoR Reprint Date:Tuesday,March 08,2016-13:26:17-OtficialDocuments:8493,Attachment Id 1,Page 5 <br />