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EXHIBIT 2 <br /> TENANT-BASED RENTAL ASSISTANCE (TRA) <br /> 1. The Recipient is the Indian River County Board of County Commissioners. <br /> 2. HUD agrees, subject to the terms of the Agreement, to provide the Grant Funds <br /> in the amount specified below for the approved project(s) described in the <br /> Application. HUD's total funding obligation is $105,300 for thirteen (13) <br /> one-bedroom units rental assistance. <br /> 3. The term of this Grant Agreement shall be one (1) year. One-year renewal <br /> grants cannot be extended and unobligated balances will be recaptured by HUD <br /> at the end of the grant period. <br /> 4. Recipient shall receive aggregate amounts of Grant Funds not to exceed the <br /> appropriate existing housing fair market rental value under Sec.8(c)(1) of the <br /> United States Housing Act of 1937 in effect at the time the Application was <br /> approved. This fair market rent may be higher or lower than the fair market rent <br /> in effect at the time of application submission. <br /> 5. The effective date of the Agreement shall be (check one): <br /> X the date of execution by HUD. <br /> the expiration of the prior grant that is being renewed (applicable only to <br /> renewals of grants whose terms have not been extended). <br /> (fill in a date). <br /> SmeadSoR Reprint Date:Tuesday,March 08,2016-13:27:33-O icia[Document5:8495,Attachment Id 1,Page 6 <br />