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MAY <br />2 9 1996 <br />BOOK <br />64 FaUC. 586 <br />additional <br />3 months because he felt it would be in <br />the best <br />interests of the County for him to move on. Basically, he is <br />asking for 9 -months severance pay. <br />Attorney Vitunac understood that Mr. Wright is asking for 9 <br />months plus any accrued sick and vacation time beginning June <br />15th, but Commissioner Lyons stated that was not his Motion and <br />did not wish to change his Motion. He is proposing 4-1/2 months <br />of severance pay, plus accrued vacation and sick leave, but <br />Administrator Wright pointed out that works out to about 5 <br />months. <br />Commissioner Lyons let his Motion stand. <br />Chairman Scurlock understood that beginning June 15, 1986, <br />the total amount of severance pay would be based on 9 months from <br />June 15th, including vacation and sick leave. <br />Commissioner Lyons repeated that his Motion adds 3 months to <br />whatever he would have received if we had terminated him for <br />cause. His Motion stands. <br />Chairman Scurlock stated that his recommendation is still <br />that he be given the full 9 months because he believed it would <br />be fair. <br />In discussion on Commissioner Lyons/original Motion, <br />Administrator Wright emphasized that it takes 9 months to get a <br />job in this business, but Commissioner Lyons did not see it that <br />way. He would give the equivalent of 4-1/2 months severance pay <br />plus vacation plus accrued sick leave plus 3 months. <br />Administrator Wright and Chairman Scurlock pointed out that <br />it really amounts to a week short of 8 months, because Administrator <br />Wright only has a total of 3 weeks accumulated sick and vacation <br />time. <br />Commissioner Lyons totalled it up as 4-1/2 months under this <br />contract, plus 3 weeks vacation which makes it 5 months, plus the <br />accrued sick leave, but Chairman Scurlock stated that Mr. Wright <br />does not get paid for accrued sick leave. However, Commissioner <br />Lyons stated that he had said that the County would pay him for <br />[- <br />