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7/23/2015 9:00:02 AM
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374 <br />thence iiast along section line to atlantic Ocean, thence north along Ocean beach to <br />starting point. <br />Lstimates having been made by the Trustees of special Tax School District NO*. 89 <br />and the Trustees having certified the rate of millage voted to be assessed it was dete <br />mined that a tax rate of Ten (1U) mills upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed <br />and assessed for the year 1931, on all of the property in the county of Indian River, <br />lying and being within the --boundaries of the said District iso. 8, which boundaries ars <br />as follows, to -wit: Beginning at the Borth -east corner of sec 1, Tp 32 s R 39 R.,then <br />run nest along Township line to h.* -.corner of jeo 6 1.32 S A 38 :.,thence south along <br />Mange line to 6,w,.Uor. ec 30 Tp 32 6 A 38 :m., thence r;ast along -Section line to Atlan- <br />tic ocean, thence .north along ocean beach to starting point. <br />Astimates having been made by the Trustees of Special Tax School District No. 119 <br />and the Trustees having certified the rate of millage voted to be assessed it was deter- <br />mined that a tax rate of Ton (10) mills upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed <br />and assessed for the year 19319 on all of the property in the county of Indian River, <br />lying and being within the boundaries of the said District no.11j which boundaries are <br />as follows , to -wit: Beginning at the North-east corner of aeo 32 1p 32 a A 40 cast, then <br />run +lest along sec line to Xo*.0orner pec 3191p 32 6 A 38, south on Range line to S.a'. <br />corner of seo 31 Tp. 32 S.R. 39 N., thence lest along sec. line to iv.V.8or. 'See 6 Tp 33 <br />S R 369 thence 'south along .Range line to S.WoUarner Sec.. 18 Tp 33 s R 36 Past, thence <br />Past to atlantic Ocean along erection line, thence North along Ocean Beach to starting <br />point. <br />Astimates having been made by the Trustees of especial Tau school District N0.14, <br />and the Trustees having certified the rate of millage voted to be assessed it was dete <br />mined that a tax rate of Ten (10) mills upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed <br />and assessed for the year 1931, on all of the property in the county of Indian giver <br />lying and being within the boundaries of the said District No. 14, which boundaries are <br />as follows, to -wit: beginning at the north-east corner of 1p 31 S R 37 R., then run 4081 <br />along County line to N.W.Uorner of `ip.31 s R 35, thence south along County line to 8.0. <br />Corner of Tp. 32 S.R.35 H. thence East along Township line to -s.P.Corner of 1p. 32 a.A. <br />37 N o , thence :north along lunge line to starting point. <br />Astimates having been made by the Trustees of jpecial Tax ziohoolnvistrict No.16, <br />and the Trustees having certified the rate of millage voted to be assessed it was dote <br />mined that a tax rate of Ten (10) mills upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed <br />and assessed for the year 1931 on all of the property in the county of Indian Aiver, <br />lying and being within the boundaries of the said Listrict No. 16,which boundaries are <br />as follows, to -wit: Beginning at the north-east corner of sec. 21 Tp.33 S.R.40 then run <br />West along 'section line to N.W.Uor. sec. 19 Tp 33 S.R.36 thence south along mange line <br />to 'S.W.Corner .sec. 31 1p 33 4.R.36 thence Last along section line to Atlantic Ucean, <br />thence worth along Ocean Beach to starting point. <br />To meet the interest payments and provide a sinking fund for the ultimate redemp- <br />tion of bonds of County special Tax°8ohool District No. 1 and in pursuance of the <br />reQuiremente of law, and as estimated by the county board of Public Instructions, it <br />L <br />is determined and hereby declared that a tag rate of Twenty (20) mills upon the dollar <br />be levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed for the year 1931, on all of the property <br />in the County of Indian River, lying and being within the boundaries of Special Tax <br />'School District No. 1, the boundaries of which said :District being described above in <br />these minutes. <br />LJ <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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