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4 fROE COPY <br />;ERTIFICATION ON LASTPAGE <br />R SMITH. CLERK <br />• Respond to coverage or other insurance policy questions as may be presented by the County. <br />• At least annually, present to County staff a written review, with the premium/claims history <br />of the County, for the policies purchased. <br />• Coordinate with the County about 120 to 150 days prior to renewals on giving estimates of <br />renewal changes in premium, coverage, policy terms, etc. and in collecting needed renewal <br />rating and background information. <br />• Present renewal pricing and policy changes to the County at a minimum of forty five (45) <br />days before renewal or at a time agreed upon with the County. <br />• Obtain proposals from additional insurance markets and provide them to the County with a <br />listing of all companies contacted, detailed spreadsheets of all submissions received and all <br />rejection letters. <br />• Provide the County with Probable Maximum Loss ("PML") studies. <br />• Provide final, written renewal submissions to the County on a schedule agreed upon with the <br />County to allow for review of renewals at appropriate County meetings. <br />• Promptly provide rating data, premium/claims history and other information at the request of <br />the County. <br />• Fully disclose insurance policy premiums, commissions or all other remuneration, including <br />that of intermediaries, received for the sale of such policies. <br />• Permit the County to conduct an audit of all remuneration/revenues attributable to the <br />County's account and to fully cooperate with persons designated by the County to perform <br />such audit. <br />LOSS CONTROL SERVICES <br />• Develop, with the County's assistance and involvement, loss control programs and <br />strategies, including educational training, seminars, research and analysis of loss trends, <br />and develop communication materials. Provide, at a minimum, quarterly reporting <br />detailing the loss control activities and results. <br />CLAIMS ADVOCACY <br />• Participate in claims review meetings to ensure accuracy of reserves and effective claims <br />management. <br />Attachment A <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />