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impact of the increased traffic and the safety of the children <br />along that narrow road. He stressed that if more than 3 upa are <br />allowed, there will be a great demand on the resources in that <br />area. Mr. Mank urged the Board to preserve the dignity and <br />beauty of this street by limiting the density to 3 upa. <br />George Beuttell, 5480 16th Street, also wished to have the <br />dignity and beauty of the area preserved. He emphasized that if <br />this parcel is allowed to develop to its maximum limit at 6 upa, <br />then Dr. Ames would have to be allowed that same density on the <br />25 acres that he owns immediately to the east. In addition, Mr. <br />Beuttell noted that his mother's 25 -acre parcel -is is a little_ <br />further east and with Ralmar's 25 acres, there would be approxi- <br />mately 85 acres that would be able to develop at RS -6. He urged <br />the Board to consider the impact that would result and limit the <br />density to 3 upa. <br />Jim Sharp, 1616 51st Court,_ pointed out that the canal <br />running in back of this area to the north provides a natural <br />buffer to the commercial property along SR -60. The area is <br />unique in that access is very, very limited. He noted that when <br />he built his home he had to appear before this Commission to get <br />permission to build on a lot that was less than one acre_, and now <br />we are talking about 6 upa. Mr. Sharp emphasized that the area <br />has developed at 1 or 2 units to an acre, with the exception of <br />one subdivision in back of Winn Dixie. <br />Dr. Donald Ames, owner of 25 acres east of the subject <br />property, felt that the parcel in question should not be allowed <br />to develop at 6 upa because of the character of the neighborhood, <br />and stated that although his property has RS -6 zoning, he does <br />not intend to develop it at those densities. <br />Chairman Scurlock entered into the record a petition which <br />has been signed by approximately 72 residents and owners who are <br />opposed to the RS -6 zoning. <br />PETITIONS ARE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br />24 <br />E 2 1986 BOOR 65 561 <br />