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Project Scope: <br />The Surveyor shall provide Professional Land Surveying services to include the following: <br />I. Horizontal and Vertical Control -field establish horizontal and vertical control along the subject <br />roadway right of way and I.R.F.W.C.D. right of way route. <br />1. Set traverse control points along the approximate 9,500 feet of project survey route tied to Florida State Plane <br />Coordinate System (NAD 83/2011). <br />2. Survey ties to the Indian River County Real -Time Kinematic Global Positioning System Control Network. <br />3. Permanent vertical benchmarks will be set either with a nail in tree or power pole; an "X" chiseled or "square" cut <br />in concrete, at 1,000 feet intervals. <br />II. Sectional Ties, Property Corners -Subdivision PRM's and Baseline Control - field observe and <br />record property corners, sectional corners, quarter section corners, tract corners, side -street parcel corners. <br />1. Recover and record all associated section corners, quarter section corners, tract corners, and permanent reference <br />monuments of adjacent platted subdivisions <br />2. Set control points (rebars/caps) along an offset (TBD) to the baseline of the right-of-way corridor at an interval <br />distance not to exceed 1000 feet. <br />III. Road Right of Way Topography — Full Topographic Survey of all above ground improvements and <br />natural features within the Right of Way of 49th Street and associated side streets as indicated above, <br />including the following: <br />1. Observe and record all paved and unpaved roads including bridge decks, curbs and lane lines. <br />2. Observe and record all driveways, sidewalks and landscaped areas within the right of way. <br />3. Observe and record all mail and news boxes. <br />4. Observe and record fences and / or privacy walls within 20 feet of the right of way line. <br />5. Observe and record any grade breaks (swales, berms, slopes, etc.). <br />6. Observe and record all above ground utilities (power poles, water meters, water valves, riser boxes, cleanouts, <br />etc.). <br />7. Observe and record all storm water drainage structures (pipe culvert inverts, catch basins, spillways, etc.), <br />including inverts of associated pipes outside of the right of way. <br />8. Observe and record all above ground visual sanitary sewer systems (gravity flow or force mains), including <br />inverts of associated pipes outside of the right of way. <br />9. Observe and record all wood lines or tree lines and Oak trees 6 inches and larger within the subject right of way. <br />(Locations of all Pine trees, Brazilian Pepper trees or cabbage palms are not included in this proposal) <br />10. Cross-sections will be observed at 100 foot intervals and spot elevations 20 feet either side of right of way limits. <br />IV. I.R.F.W.C.D. Lateral H and Sub -Lateral A-8 and H-2 Right of Way Topography — Top of banks <br />adjacent to all roads surveyed within the corridor will be located at each cross-section. A canal cross-section <br />(top of bank, bottom of bank, toe and centerline of ditch) will be taken every 100 feet. Including the <br />following items: <br />1. Observe and record all paved and unpaved roads used for access by the I.R.F.W.C.D. within the corridor. <br />2. Observe and record all drainage structures (pipe culvert inverts, catch basins, spillways, etc.), including inverts of <br />associated pipes outside of the right of way. <br />3. All elevations will be referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (N.A.V.D. 88) and tied to Indian <br />River County or National Geodetic Survey (N.G.S.) benchmarks. Any Indian River County or N.G.S. benchmark <br />within the project's corridor will be observed, recorded and indicated upon the survey. <br />4. The Right of Way Topographic Survey will be based upon the 1983 North American Datum (NAD83), <br />Adjustment of 2011 and projected in the Florida State Plane Coordinate System, East Zone. All horizontal <br />control points will be tied to the Indian River County Real -Time Kinematic Global Positioning System Control <br />Network. <br />J \SURVEY WORK AUTHORIZATIONS\IRC Survey 2014-2015\15-283S_IRC 49th St - 58th Ave E to 31st Ave WO doc <br />3 of 6 <br />