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PROCLAMATION <br />DESIGNATING APRIL 15, 2016 AS JACKIE ROBINSON DAY <br />WHEREAS, April 15, 2016 will mark the 69th anniversary of Jackie Robinson making his Mayor <br />League debut with the Brooklyn Dodgers as he broke the color barrier in 1947 to become the first <br />African-American to play Major League Baseball; and <br />WHEREAS, Jackie Robinson spent nine Spring Trainings (1948-56) at Dodgertown, Vero Beach <br />and the Dodgers advanced to the World Series five times in those years; and <br />WHEREAS, In 1948 Dodgertown became the first and only integrated Spring Training site in the <br />South; and <br />WHEREAS, Major and Minor League Baseball celebrates Jackie Robinson Day nationally each <br />April 15"'; and <br />WHEREAS, Mr. Pat O'Conner, Minor League Baseball President & CEO, said "Minor League <br />Baseball is proud to be part of this annual celebration in Vero Beach as we play a game at Historic <br />Dodgertown to honor him."; and <br />WHEREAS, the third annual Jackie Robinson Celebration game will take place on Friday, April <br />15, 2016, in Holman Stadium when the Brevard County Manatees host the St. Lucie Mets to benefit a <br />worthy cause, the United Way of Indian River County; and <br />WHEREAS, the cost of this Minor League Baseball game is kept low so that it can be a true <br />community -wide celebration. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA that the Board designates April 15, 2016, as Jackie Robinson <br />Day, and hereby congratulates Major League Baseball on its work and success in Indian River County <br />over the past 68 years. <br />Adopted this 15th day of March, 2016. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />./ l 0_i�, C )wa1h_-4_ <br />Bob Solari, Chairman <br />o eph E. Flescher, Vice hairman <br />Wesiev S. Davis <br />Peter D. O'Bryan (/ <br />Tim <br />