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RESOLUTION NO. 2016- 039 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN <br />RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVING THE LIST OF COUNTY OWNED <br />PROPERTIES APPROPRIATE FOR THE PROVISION OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING <br />AND PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSITION OF THOSE PROPERTIES <br />WHEREAS, Section 125.379, Florida Statutes, states that by July 1, 2007, and <br />every 3 years thereafter, each county shall prepare an inventory list of all real property <br />within its jurisdiction to which the County holds fee simple title that is appropriate for <br />use as affordable housing; and <br />WHEREAS, in 2007, 2010, and 2013 the County prepared a list of surplus <br />properties and disposed of such properties for affordable housing purposes in accordance <br />with Section 125.379, Florida Statutes; and <br />WHEREAS, county staff has compiled a 2016 list of the 431 properties currently <br />owned by the County and has identified the designated use for each of those properties; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, county staff has determined that only twenty (20) of the properties <br />on the list are available for surplus and are appropriate for the provision of affordable <br />housing. <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLOVED by the Board of County Commissioners of <br />Indian River County, Florida that: <br />Section 1. <br />The above recitals are ratified in their entirety. <br />Section 2. <br />The Board of County Commissioners hereby adopts the attached list of county owned <br />surplus properties which are appropriate for the provision of affordable housing <br />