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CE <br /> Third Party Review of UMAM <br /> We understand that Continental Shelf Associates (CSA) will be performing a Uniform Mitigation Assessment <br /> Method (UMAM) evaluation for the Sector 3 Beach and Dune Restoration Project. The UMAM rule (Chapter <br /> 62-345, F.A.C.) went into effect on February 2, 2004 and is used by the FDEP to determine the amount of <br /> mitigation needed to offset adverse impacts to wetlands and other surface waters and to determine mitigation bank <br /> credits awarded and debited. A CB&I biologist will evaluate the UMAM analysis to ensure it was prepared in <br /> accordance with FDEP guidelines and instructions contained in rule 62-345, F.A.C. CB&I will prepare a <br /> summary of their findings from this review to be submitted to the County. CB&I will participate in a conference <br /> call with the County and CSA to discuss any issues identified during our review. <br /> The final year of permit required biological monitoring of the nearshore hardbottom for the Sector 3 Beach and <br /> Dune Restoration Project is scheduled for summer 2016. CB&I will provide a summary of the UMAM <br /> evaluations generated by CSA and Coastal Technology in conjunction with the project. This summary will <br /> provide a cumulative review of the conditions of the nearshore hardbottom, highlight mitigation performed <br /> concurrently during monitoring events, and reference applicable permit conditions for FDEP's consideration in <br /> assessing the need for additional mitigation, if any. <br /> Required Data <br /> Electronic data(preferably GIS database)may be required to quantify changes in hardbottom area. <br /> Schedule <br /> Initial comments for the third party peer review of the UMAM analysis will be submitted within 2 weeks of <br /> receipt of the analysis and report. <br /> Cost <br /> The cost of the third party peer review of the UMAM is $3,210.00. A breakdown of the hours and expenses to <br /> develop these costs is attached and follow the provisions of the Professional Coastal Engineering Services <br /> Agreement(dated March 19, 2013) and Contract Renewal (dated March 17, 2015), between Indian River County <br /> and CB&I. <br /> Summary <br /> The total lump sum cost of this proposal for Work Order#13 is $49,953.30. <br /> We appreciate the opportunity to work with Indian River County on this effort. <br /> Please call me if you have any questions. <br />