<br />'NOV
<br />Published Daily
<br />Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida
<br />Before the undersigned authority personally appeared J. J. Schumann, Jr. who on oath
<br />says that he is Business Manager of the Vero Beach Press -Journal, a daily newspaper published
<br />at Vero Beach in Indian River County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being
<br />in the matter of
<br />in the Court, was pub-
<br />lished in said newspaper in the issues of AW & Y'&
<br />Affiant further says that the said Vero Beach Press -Journal is a newspaper published at
<br />Vero Beach, in said Indian River County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore
<br />been continuously published in said Indian River County, Florida, each daily and has been
<br />entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Vero Beach, in said Indian River Coun-
<br />ty, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of
<br />advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm
<br />or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this
<br />advertisement for publication in the said newspaper.
<br />Sworn to and subscribed befoS@ me the ( day of 6& A.D. 19
<br />(SEAL)
<br />Manager)
<br />(Clerk of the Circuit bourthAian River County, Florida)
<br />BOOK 66 r,{ F. 298
<br />Notice of hearing to consider the adoption of
<br />a Counter ordinance rezoning land from: CL,
<br />Limited Commercial District to CH, Heavy Com-
<br />mercial District. The property is presently owned
<br />by Alan R. Schommer and is located east of U.S.
<br />Highway 1; south of 45th Street, and north of
<br />43rd Street.
<br />The subject property is described as
<br />That part- of the hereinafter described.
<br />prorty IyIng East of U.S. Highway No.
<br />1: Inning at the Southeast comer of .
<br />the NE'/.
<br />- of the NW -//4 of Section 26,
<br />Township 32 South, Range 39 East.' r -
<br />thence run North 420 feet; thence rune
<br />West 7o feet, thence run Sough 426 `;
<br />feet: thence run East 700 feet to the,,,.
<br />point of beginning. Said lands lying and
<br />being in Indian River County, Florida �'s°.
<br />A pubic hearing at. which parties in* Interest
<br />heard citizens shall
<br />ted have
<br />y the Board of County Corn-
<br />missioners of Indian River County, Florida, in the
<br />County Commission Chambers of the County
<br />Administration Building, located at 1840 25th
<br />Street, Vero Beach, Florida on Tuesday, Novem--,
<br />bar 4,1988, at 9:05 a.m.
<br />tana e. reozard onin�to as less IntenseisslOnsrsoni district
<br />than the district requested provided 11% within ;y
<br />the same general use category.
<br />Anyone who may wish to appeal ar ''decision
<br />which may be made at this meeting will need to
<br />ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings
<br />is made, which includes the testimony and a*,,,
<br />deuce upon which the appeal Is based. � � , ,
<br />i._ • Indian River County,
<br />Board of County Commissiorrere ;as
<br />By: -s -Don C. Scurlock Chairmalk y
<br />OCL 18,19$8.
<br />Chief Planner Richard Shearer made the staff presentation:
<br />TO: The Honorable Members pA-�-E: October 20, 1986 FILE:
<br />of the Board of County
<br />Commissioners
<br />Robert M. Kea' ng, CP 4.63 ACRES FROM CL,
<br />Planning & De elopzttent Director LIMITED COMMERCIAL DIST
<br />FROM: Richard Shearer, REFERENCES:
<br />Chief, Long -Range Planning
<br />It is requested that the data herein presented be given formal
<br />consideration by the Board of County Commissionefs at their
<br />regular meeting of November 4, 1986.
<br />Alan Schommer, the owner,
<br />is requesting
<br />16
<br />to rezone 4.63 acres
<br />