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Commissioner Eggert inquired exactly what area the ROSE -4 <br />was intended to cover, and Planner Shearer advised there are no <br />specific limits other than the area advertised as the subject <br />area. <br />Commissioner Bird asked about another proposed ordinance, <br />apparently prepared by Attorney O'Haire which Fred Mensing has <br />handed out, and Planner Shearer confirmed that Mr. Mensing did <br />hand out something that would allow for a a number of home <br />occupation uses; however, that was not advertised, and he felt <br />that anything to do with home occupation districts would be a <br />considerable deviation from what is being considered today. <br />Chairman Scurlock noted that when this issue first came up, <br />he was absolutely opposed to mixed use and this is against what <br />we do countywide, but after six months of discussion and driving <br />the area, etc., he believed that he has been reluctantly <br />convinced that this does make some sense for this particular <br />unique area, but he felt we must very cautious about expanding <br />this mixed use to the rest of the county. <br />The Chairman asked if anyone present wished to be heard. <br />Attorney Michael O'Haire informed the Board that he is here <br />on behalf of a number of homeowners in Roseland and would like to <br />give the Board a package containing the ordinance ear -I -Ver <br />referred to. <br />Chairman Scurlock stated that he would like to address only <br />what is advertised for today. He believed the ordinance Mr. <br />O'Haire is proposing can be considered separately at another <br />time. <br />Margaret Herndon, of Power Line Road, Roseland, wished to <br />know if the zoning is changed, what happens if her house should <br />burn down. <br />Planner Shearer advised that under the current RMH-6, which <br />is zoned strictly for mobile homes, any house is a non- <br />conforming use and cannot be expanded or replaced if it is <br />37 EOOK 6 r,4!]-,393 <br />Nov 18 1986 <br />