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targeted to the County by the DCA. Basically, it is to comply <br />with requirements for updating the Comp Plan and for specific <br />activities such as data collection and inventory. Staff is <br />doing a lot of environmental type inventory and preparing many <br />tables, maps and texts. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Bowman, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Eggert, the Board unanimously approved <br />the above budget amendment, as recommended by OMB <br />Director Baird. <br />Q. WGYL Radio Antenna Site <br />The Board reviewed the following memo dated 1/21/87: <br />TO: The Board of County Commissioners <br />DATE: January 21, 1987 <br />SUBJECT;--�h(GYL Radio Antenna Site <br />FROM: James P. Wilson <br />psi-stant County Attorney <br />The Board previously approved the transfer of the <br />above -referenced lease to the purchaser of WGYL, Treasure <br />Coast Broadcasting Company, Limited Partnership. I have <br />requested that the new owners execute a lease under the same <br />terms and conditions as the former lease. The attorneys for <br />Treasure Coast Broadcasting Company have submitted the <br />proposed lease with the following changes: <br />1. On the third line of the second paragraph -on page two, <br />the words "broadcasting transmission" were added after the <br />word "radio". In the middle of the same paragraph, the <br />words "licensed by the Federal Communications Commission" <br />were added. At the end of the paragraph, the sentence <br />concerning permits for the tower was removed as those <br />permits are already in place. <br />2. At the end of paragraph one on page two, the sentence <br />providing for payment of the August -December period of 1986 <br />was removed as the payment was already made. <br />3. At the end of paragraph four on page three, a sentence <br />was added to allow Treasure Coast Broadcasting Company to <br />assign the lease for security purposes only to the Bank of <br />New England, N.A., which is the bank that finances the <br />limited partnership. The bank had asked that this provision <br />be added. <br />19 BOOK 1 Pf�'uE <br />JAN 2 7 1987 <br />