The several bills and accounts against the County, having been audited, were
<br />examined and found correct, were approved, and warrants ordered issued in settlement df
<br />same. The Bills and accounts being on file in the office of Clerk Circuit Court, and
<br />the warrants so issued, from the respective funds, being listed completedyin the
<br />County Finance record, as provided by law, reference to such record and the list so
<br />recorded being made a part of these minutes as fully and completely as if the said
<br />warrants were set out herein in detail.
<br />The County Depository filed its monthly statement showing receipts and disburse-
<br />ments of ' the various funds for the month of October, which having been checked over
<br />were found to be correct.
<br />There being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried the Board
<br />then adjourned.
<br />AT EST: Chai nnan
<br />Clerk.
<br />WEDEE SDAY , NOVE MER llt h 1931.
<br />The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, Florida, met at
<br />the Court House in Vero Beach, at 10 o'clock A M.Fednesday, November 11th, 1931, with
<br />the following members of the Board present: Albert„ O.Helseth, Chairman; J.D.Yongue;
<br />JX.LaBruee; J.J.P.Hamilton and Eli C. Walker. Also present was Miles Farren, Clerk.
<br />The Chairman announced that this special meeting mas called to consider the
<br />financial condition of the County and any other matters that may properly be brought
<br />before the Board.
<br />The following resolution was introduced:
<br />AREAS, it has become necessary for the Farmers Bank of Vero Beach, Florida,
<br />regularly designated County Depository, to freeze 80o of all deposits on hand as of
<br />Saturday, November 7th 1931, and,
<br />WHEREAS, the County of Indian River, had on deposit some $9,000.00 in the various
<br />funds of the County, with $10,000.00 in security in the hands of the State Comptroller,
<br />among,.said securities being one $1,000.00, U..S. 3-3/4o Treasury bond No. J000602999and,
<br />WHEREAS, it is agreeable with the said Deposutory to sell said bond and permit the
<br />County to use the proceeds thereof,
<br />THEREFORE, Be it Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners, that the State
<br />Comptroller is requested to either dispose of said bond and remit the proceeds to this
<br />Board or transmit the same to this Board for disposition and credit the account of the
<br />Farmers Bank of Vero Beach. Florida, with the same.
<br />Upon being put to a vote the same was unanimously adopted.
<br />Application having been made by F.F.Heiser, argent, to purchase certain tax sale
<br />certificates, under the Acts of ,1929 Legislature, covering approximately 700 acres of
<br />lands, and the same having been considered, it was ordered that recommandetion be made
<br />the State Comptroller to accept 1/4 of the total delinquent taxes in addition to costs
<br />and fees, and upon his approval, such lands lying within the Fellsmere Farms Company
<br />subdivision, and covered by tax sale certificates of sale of the year 1928 for 1927
<br />taxes and prior years, be sold to said F.U.Heiser, Agent, at and for the price of 1/4
<br />of the delinquent taxes and in addition thereto costs and charges against said tax sale
<br />Certificates.
<br />There being no further business on motion made,
<br />then a d.lz&J�e
<br />AT TE .S'i'
<br />k
<br />seconded and carried, the Board
<br />M
<br />