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MAR 10 1987 <br />BOOK 67 <br />Commissioner Bowman felt that the property owners in that <br />area do not know it is zoned industrial, and Mr. Shearer advised <br />that they received notices on both this hearing and that of the P <br />& Z hearing. <br />Commissioner Bowman also pointed out that to the north on <br />CR -510, just to the west of the industrial site, there is a <br />gorgeous 10 -acre parcel with a single family residence. <br />Commissioner Bird felt that in some cases, the property <br />owners have the best of both worlds. They can continue to reside <br />there, but by virtue of this ordinance, will have the potential <br />of their property becoming very valuable because of the zoning. <br />Chairman Scurlock opened the Public Hearing and asked if <br />anyone wished to be heard. <br />Dan Preuss,326 Live Oak Drive, felt that the line separating <br />the commercial on the east side of U.S. #1 is arbitrarily drawn. <br />He owns lot #4 on the east side of U.S. #1 and looks out on a <br />tackle shop, a veterinarian's office, and an auto parts store. <br />He emphasized that Lot 5, next to him, is commercial and the rest <br />of the block, Lots 1 through 4, is zoned RS -6. To the east of <br />that is a large citrus grove and the proposed zoning is RM -6. <br />Mr. Shearer advised that in order to give a better boundary, <br />staff would like to amend their recommendation to delete from the <br />node lots 5 and 6 of Block 1 of Graves Addition to Wabasso. <br />Mr. Preussnoted that there still would be a small area that <br />is excluded from being either multi -family or commercial, but <br />Commissioner Bird felt that in order to be consistent, we would <br />have to either take in the entire block, including Mr. Preuss' <br />lot, or exclude the entire block. <br />Mr. Shearer pointed out that staff feels that multiple <br />family, rather than RS -6, would be the most appropriate zoning, <br />but that cannot be done today. <br />There being no others who wished to be.heard, Chairman <br />Scurlock declared the Public Hearing closed. <br />