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TO: Board of County Commissioners DATE: July 8, 1987 FILE: <br />SUBJECT: PISTOL PERMIT - <br />DAVID A. DIMARCO <br />FROM: Charles P. Balczun REFERENCES: <br />County Administrator <br />The following person has applied for a gun permit through the Clerk's Office: <br />David A. DiMarco <br />The request was scheduled for the Board meeting of July 7, 1987 but action was <br />withheld in order for, Mr. DiMarco to be present to provide additional informa- <br />tion regarding a previous arrest record. This has been explained to Mr. DiMarco <br />in the attached letter, in which we have asked him to be present at the Board <br />meeting of July 14, 1987. <br />TO: Margaret Gunter <br />DATE: June 18, 1987 <br />SUBJECT: Gun Permit Application, David DiMarco -.#87-6 <br />FROM: Sharon Phillips Brennan x`25 <br />Assistant County Attorney <br />QUESTION PRESENTED: Whether a prior conviction of a <br />misdemeanor charge prevents an applicant from <br />qualification for a gun permit under Chapter Eight, <br />Firearms, of the Indian River County Code? <br />ANSWER: No. However, a felony conviction within the past - <br />two years would automatically preclude an applicant <br />from obtaining a gun permit. Although Mr. DiMarco's <br />arrest was in July, 1985, the felony charges against <br />him were dropped, and he pled guilty to a misdemeanor <br />charge. Such a record of prior conviction would not, <br />of itself, prevent the applicant from obtaining a gun <br />permit under the Indian River County Code. <br />Mr. DiMarco stated that the only additional information he <br />can offer is that he did make a mistake, and it is the only <br />blemish on his record in 30 years. He was trespassing because <br />he was trying to recover stolen property, and while he did have a <br />gun, it was not on him; <br />it was in his car. <br />Mr. DiMarco <br />JUL <br />14 ,1997 <br />17 <br />Boos <br />Ea,,� <br />