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DESCRIPTION & CONDITIONS <br />Mr. Paul C. Wolfe has initiated a request to rezone 5.5 acres of ._ <br />property from A-1, Agricultural District (up to 1 unit/5 acres) <br />to RM -6, Multiple -Family Residential District (up to 6 <br />units/acre). The subject parcel is situated approximately 550 <br />feet south of S.R. 60 and west of 79th Avenue.. This parcel is <br />located immediately west of a 6+ acre parcel which was approved <br />for a similar request by the Board of County Commissioners on <br />June 23, 1987. <br />The applicant intends to develop the property for residential <br />use. <br />On July 9, 1987, the Planning and Zoning,Commission voted 6-0 to <br />recommend approval of this request. <br />ALTERNATIVES & ANALYSIS <br />In this section, an analysis of the reasonableness of the appli- <br />cation will be presented. The analysis will include a descrip- <br />tion of the current and future land uses of the site and sur- <br />rounding areas, potential impacts on the transportation and <br />utility systems, and any significant adverse impacts on environ- <br />mental quality. <br />Existing Land Use Pattern <br />The subject parcel is currently undeveloped, and is a part of a <br />larger 10+ acre parcel, the north portion of which is also <br />undeveloped, but zoned RM -6. To the east of the subject parcel is <br />vacant land zoned RM -6. To the south of the subject parcel are <br />groves zoned A-1. To the west of the subject parcel is a bank <br />zoned CL, Limited Commercial District. <br />Future Land Use Pattern <br />The Comprehensive Plan designates all properties to the north, <br />east, and south as MD -1, Medium Density Residential 1 (allowing <br />up to 8 units/acre). The bank to the west is located within the <br />650 acre S.R. 60/I-95 Commercial Industrial Node. <br />Transportation System <br />The subject property will have access to S.R. 60 via the existing <br />RM -6 zoned property to the north. S.R. 60 is classified as an <br />arterial in the Thoroughfare Plan. The subject parcel will <br />generate a maximum of 248 average annual daily trips, which will <br />have no effect on the existing level of service for S.R. 60. <br />Environment <br />The' subject parcel is not classified as environmentally <br />sensitive, nor is it considered to be in a flood prone area. <br />Utilities <br />Currently public water and sewer are located along S.R. 60. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Based on the.analysis performed, staff recommends approval. <br />L <br />BOOK F a = 60 <br />U <br />