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S EP 141987 BOOK 69.. PAGE 429 - <br />On Petition Paving, the Chairman believed we should look <br />very closely at non -participation by the county and have the <br />petitioners bearing 1000 of the cost. In the past all costs were <br />not included - i.e., we did not include base material, and we, <br />therefore, actually were paying more than 250. <br />The Chairman noted that it appears from the chart shown we <br />are talking about more than doubling our debt. <br />Mr. Diamond agreed, but reiterated that the list does not <br />include Rockridge. Also, the bottom list shows things that are <br />needed in the future, and they all are vital things for which <br />they do not have the numbers. <br />The Chairman asked where we are in regard to coming up with <br />user fees for development of parks. <br />Director Baird advised that study is on hold until we decide <br />how we are going to handle recreation - whether we are going to <br />contract with the City or have our own recreation department. it <br />is necessary to determine which way we are going before we can <br />come up with a user fee. <br />Chairman Scurlock asked why we can't move toward impact <br />fees. Whatever the improvement will be, City or County, it will <br />be in that particular zone, and he felt strongly that we are <br />going to have to go toward an impact fee for recreation and parks <br />because we are going to have to set priorities, and he felt we <br />have to build a courthouse and expand the jail ahead of <br />developing more recreation facilities. He believed we have <br />enough park land for our existing population. <br />OMB Director Baird noted that we had a full study authorized <br />0 <br />and staff will continue to work on impact fees and bring it back <br />separately. <br />Commissioner Eggert commented that beyond considering just <br />-- the acquisition of land, etc., we also need to bill out what <br />these various projects will cost to develop and what they will <br />cost to man. It is fine to go with the jail, for instance, but <br />now we need extra personnel. <br />5 <br />