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H. Proclamation Designating October, 1987 as Lupus Month <br />P R O C L A M A T I O N <br />WHEREAS, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is a chronic, <br />inflammatory disease of connective tissue which affects 50,000 <br />new victims each year; and <br />WHEREAS, today there are nearly one million people in the <br />United States suffering from this disease, most of them women of <br />child-bearing age, but Lupus can affect anyone of any age; and <br />WHEREAS, this little known disease is more common than <br />Leukemia, Muscular Dystrophy and Multiple Sclerosis; and <br />WHEREAS, the cause of Lupus remains a mystery and while it <br />often can be controlled with the use of drugs, there is no known <br />cure for the disease; and <br />WHEREAS, the Lupus Foundation and Support Group is an all <br />volunteer, non-profit organization whose purpose is to lend moral <br />support to Lupus patients and their families, increase general <br />public awareness of the disease through educational programs, and <br />help provide funding for Lupus research; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA that the month of <br />October, 1987 be recognized as <br />LUPUS AWARENESS MONTH <br />in Indian River County, Florida in an effort to promote an <br />awareness and understanding of the disease. <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />/ C_ <br />DON C. SCUR OCK, JR., 69XIRMAN <br />7 <br />0 CT 6 1987 - Boa 69 FAGS 55 <br />