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RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners adopt - <br />alternative three as a method of legalizing all existing home =_= <br />occupations within the Rose -4 District in order to ensure that all <br />existing home occupations will not adversely affect the <br />residential nature of the community. <br />Chairman Scurlock explained the procedure to be followed in <br />tonight's public hearing/workshop. First, staff will give the <br />status on this item, and after the Board has had a chance to ask <br />any questions they might have, the Public Hearing will be opened <br />and anyone wishing to be heard will be asked to come to the front <br />of the room and give their name and address before speaking. <br />Chairman Scurlock stated that he prefers to listen in the <br />beginning to those who represent an organized group so as to save <br />sometime in that others may not have to talk since their <br />position already has been presented. The Chairman wanted to <br />conclude the meeting by 9:00 o'clock A.M. if at all possible, and <br />if a decision cannot be made by that time, table the matter until <br />a further time. He felt 11 hours would be sufficient time to <br />address the situation. <br />Robert Keating, Director of Planning & Development, gave a <br />brief update on the status of the ROSE -4 zoning district in <br />regard to home occupational uses. <br />Planner David Nearing recalled that on February 24, 1987, <br />the Board adopted Ordinance 87-22, which amended the ROSE -4 <br />ordinance in regard to additional home occupational uses. At <br />7 <br />OCT 14 1901 BOOK 69 FnUB96 <br />