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E. Acceptance of Warren Winchester's Resignation from District <br />IX Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Advisory Council <br />The Board reviewed the following letter dated 9/8/87: <br />8 October 1987 <br />Board of Commissioners, Indian River ��ty <br />1840 25th Street . <br />Vero Beach, Florida 32160 <br />Subject: District Ik Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol Abuse <br />Advisory Council <br />Honorable Commissioners: <br />It is with regret that 3 must resign from the District %X <br />Advisory Council effective 31 December 1987. I find that the <br />press of other responsibilities precludes me from giving the <br />time and effort required to Positively impact on delivery of <br />care far these illnesses. <br />I have served on theCouncil si'h�e it was reformed in 1984, and <br />am pleased to say that we have made some tremendous improvements <br />during that time. The agreement under which the Indian River <br />Community Mental Health Center assumed the management of <br />Alcxzhope was a major acomplishment. Plans to increase the <br />capability at this facility are under way, as are plans to <br />improve service to others who depend on the delivery of HRS <br />carp*. <br />% would urge you to continually look at zoning ordinances and <br />their impact an such things as group homes, half way houses and <br />rehabilitation facilities. I would also urge You to support <br />legislation which would permit a portion of the fines and <br />seizures monies to be diverted away from law enforcement and <br />directed to education and rehabilitation of those who find <br />themselves victims af substance abuse. I believe monies derived <br />from tax on alcohol, for example, should be used to pay for some <br />of the human damage it can do. <br />In looking for a replacement, I urge You to appoint a lay person <br />who has not had a family member as a user of the HRS services. I <br />believe it is important for one to be able to work without <br />personal emotional invo1vment, but involvement as a volunteer in <br />local community issues would be a plus. . <br />Working with Commissioners Wodtke and Eggert has been very <br />rewarding. Continued involvement at the Commission level is <br />needed and necessary to ensure the needs of the community are <br />mer. <br />Again, my sincere thanks for the opportunity you have given me <br />to serve my community, and for your support in our work. <br />Sin erely, <br />4�Warren Winchester <br />5 Tarpon Drive <br />Vero Beach, Florida 32960 <br />7 ` ������ ��r�� �� <br />t�r� 2 0�1�x�~� BOOK K���� K � <br />