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1% OV 101987 <br />do the job I am required to do. <br />Court activity brought on by the <br />of the jails has left us with an <br />being able to support the .needs <br />clerk when a good portion of the <br />BOOK 10 F-Klf. 57. <br />Furthermore, the increase in <br />added caseload and overcrowding <br />almost impossible situation -of not <br />of the publicaccess to the Court <br />personnel is in the Courtroom. <br />When the plans were being developed years ago for the <br />new quarters for the Sheriff, I was told at that time I would <br />be able to have the offices vacated by the Sheriff. Included in <br />these offices is a vaulted room and safe which would provide an <br />area to store contraband, such as drugs and firearms, which, <br />by law, remains with the custody of the Clerk for retention until <br />authorized to destroy. As you are aware, there are several offices <br />throughout the state that has come to the surface, where there <br />was either tampering, loss of, or burglary of criminal evidence. <br />I certainly want to safeguard that possibility. My tentative <br />plans at this time would be to move all of the criminal courts, <br />both county and circuit into that area, together with my cashier <br />operations which addresses the subject of more and better security. <br />I am enclosing copies of previous correspondence in this <br />regard. <br />Mr. Charles P. Balczun, <br />County Administrator <br />Indian River County <br />1840 25th Street <br />Vero Beach, Florida <br />Dear Mr. Balczun: <br />Sincerely, <br />Freda Wright <br />FREDA WRIGHT <br />CLERK, CIRCUIT COURT AND RECORDER <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />(305) 567-8000 P. O. BOX 1028 <br />VERO BEACH • FLORIDA <br />32961-1028 <br />October 21, 1987 <br />Freda has asked me to.make further inquiry <br />into our request for additional space; i.e., the office <br />to be vacated by the Sheriff. This was addressed to you <br />in her letter of October 1, 1987. <br />We are also still very much concerned with the <br />security situation, both in the main Courthouse and the <br />Annex in the rear. As you are probably aware, the front <br />door of the Courthouse was forcibly broken into either <br />Friday night or early Saturday morning this past weekend, <br />by the use of a concrete block. This was reported to the <br />Vero Beach Police Department by Judge Smith at approximately <br />9:00 a.m. Saturday. Upon learning of the breakin, I, along <br />with our Security Officer, Roland Wirth, checked all the <br />offices of the Clerk and found no damage or entry. However, <br />it would have been no problem had the culprit been serious <br />with either damaging or stealing valuable equipment or <br />contraband evidence_ <br />Please let us hear from you soon. <br />Sincerely, <br />FR�DA WRIGHT, CLERK <br />20 '-Chief Deputy Clerk <br />