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t,wG,V 198 <br />BOOK .70 FAGE 59 <br />Chairman Scurlock commented that if the Clerk moves into <br />this space, the potential fifth courtroom would be scheduled to <br />take the space of the Public Defender with the result that we <br />would be looking for additional space for him, most likely <br />somewhere in the downtown area. <br />Commissioner Wheeler believed that probably would be the <br />most convenient and stated that he would like to see Mrs. Wright <br />have the Sheriff's space because there is a large vault there. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by Com- <br />missioner Wheeler, the Board unanimously approved <br />the Clerk's request to utilize the space on the <br />first floor of the Annex being vacated by the Sheriff <br />and also approved the installation of a buzzer system <br />to solve the Clerk's security problems. <br />REPORT ON SEEDLINGS PROJECT <br />Brian Barnett of the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish <br />Commission came before the Board to report on the success of <br />their seedling planting project which was initiated a year ago to <br />pursue the feasibility of establishing coastal hammock vegetation <br />on spoil islands in the Indian River. He submitted the following <br />report: <br />22 <br />