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ROCK 70 P",U- 398, ., <br />that moving dredging equipment is very expensive, but wished to <br />know if those dredging at the Inlet bid on this. <br />County Engineer Ralph Brescia advised that they did bid and <br />came in second. <br />MOTION WAS MADE -by Commissioner Bowman, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Eggert to reject the bids as recommended <br />by staff; to direct staff to work with the U.S.Game 8 <br />Fresh Water Fish Commission and U.S. Fish S Wildlife <br />and investigate other'sources of funding, and to carry <br />the money forward. <br />Commissioner Bird pointed out that part of the recommenda- <br />tion was that the $40,000 be used for park and access <br />improvements to the causeway itself. Parks 8 Recreation has <br />quite a detailed plan of how to get traffic on and off the <br />causeway and put in various improvements, and they would like to <br />see the money, at least for this year, used to handle the traffic <br />situation and the dredging rebudgeted next year. <br />Commissioner Bowman felt the money should be carried forward <br />for the purpose for which it was intended originally and that <br />Parks and Recreation should look elsewhere for funds. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. <br />It was voted on and carried 4 to 1 with <br />Commissioner Bird voting in opposition. <br />M. Routine Release of County Liens <br />The Board reviewed memo of the County Attorney: <br />18 <br />