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The proposed budget for 1987/88 fiscal year: <br />PROPOSED 1987/88 FISCAL YEAR ANNUAL BUDGET <br />Issuance Costs <br />Engineering <br />Construction Costs <br />Administrative Fee <br />Interest Expense <br />Contingency <br />Cash Forward -September 30 <br />$ 131,900 <br />20.6,450 <br />3,500,000 <br />20,000- <br />621,000 <br />302,638 <br />4,902,057 <br />$9,684,045 <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />The Board of County Commissioners authorize the appropriation of funds <br />as shown. <br />Commissioner Eggert had a problem with approving an overall <br />budget amendment for $150,000, which includes additional services <br />for the engineering consultants, when approval for the extra <br />$50,000 is requested in Item F of this Consent Agenda. She <br />didn't feel the Board should be requested to approve one when we <br />have not even discussed the other. She did not have any problems <br />with Masteller & Moler, but was concerned with the costs of <br />additional services when we really don't know what they are for. <br />Although she understood that $28,000 was taken out of the <br />original $100,000 to pay for the Bent Pine lawsuit when it came <br />up as an emergency situation, life has made her very conscious of <br />additional services. <br />Utilities Director Terry Pinto explained that the additional <br />services still have to be approved under the contract, but <br />normally additional services are figured into the total cost and <br />you have a lump sum total project contract. However, because of <br />the way FmHA puts this thing together, they spell these things <br />out separately and have an individual budget with line items and <br />a total project cost. Normally, you can move all those things <br />around inside that budget without exceeding the total cost of the <br />original contract without any problem, but because it is a FmHA <br />project, we have to come back and get the approval to do that. <br />7 <br />61 JAM 26 1988 <br />Boor 70 FF. 6`x5 <br />