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violation. Commissioner Wheeler did believe the Kennedys were <br />running a good faith agricultural operation and that there was no <br />intent to commit a violation. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Wheeler, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bird, not to fine the Kennedy's for the <br />violation. <br />Commissioner Bowman asked if they were planning to rewrite <br />alt the county zoning ordinances to accommodate agriculture. She <br />noted that she certainly is not opposed to agriculture, but she <br />felt when they break the law, there is no reason we should revise <br />our Codes to accommodate them. She further noted that she has <br />heard people time and time again say they didn't know their land <br />was rezoned, but whose business is it to know these things. <br />Commissioner Eggert again emphasized that when this was put <br />together, we weren't just talking about zoning, we were also <br />talking about anything that was "green belted" and was in a <br />legitimate business. She, therefore, agreed with the Motion <br />because she believed we just have a misunderstanding. <br />Chairman Scurlock noted that several of the Commissioners <br />were previously P&Z Commission members, and he did believe there <br />is some debate as to what the intent was. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. <br />It was voted on and carried 4 to 1 with <br />Commissioner Bowman voting in opposition. <br />Chairman Scurlock believed that the Board should initiate <br />another action since this is a non -conforming use and should be <br />rezoned to become conforming. <br />Commissioner Eggert felt it should either berezoned or <br />there should be a new understanding in regard to what the tree <br />ordinance says as far as agriculture is concerned. <br />E81 1988 <br />43 <br />BOGY 7Q AGE 861 <br />