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TO: Members of the Board DATE: February 15, 1988 <br />of County Commissioners <br />THROUGH: Joseph A. Baird <br />OMB Director <br />FROM: Leila Miller <br />Budget Analyst <br />SUBJECT: JAIL PHASE II - UTILITY <br />IMPACT FEES - <br />BUDGET AMENDMENT 021 <br />DESCRIPTION AND CONDITIONS <br />When the Utilities Department assessed the new jail for water and <br />sewer impact fees about a year ago, they based their calculations on <br />the usage typically experienced by a hotel of similar size, as no <br />prior history of water consumption for jails was available. It has <br />since been discovered that water consumption at the new jail is 125 <br />gallons per day per person, a rate that is much higher than <br />anticipated. As a result, additional impact fees will need to be <br />assessed. The County has already paid $60,000 and will need to pay <br />approximately $199,000 more (for a total of $259,000) to correct the <br />under assessment of the Utilities impact fee. <br />A budget amendment will be required for this item. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />It is recommended that the Board of County Commissioners approve <br />the aforementioned budget amendment. <br />Chairman Scurlock noted that his only question related to <br />the payment of that $199,000 out of contingencies and the amount <br />that would remain in Phase 11 Jail Contingencies after that. <br />OMB Director Baird advised that he has replaced his original <br />backup material and is now proposing that the $199,000 come out <br />of cash forward. The reason he moved it to cash forward is <br />because the jail fell behind schedule, and we didn't have the <br />expenses in the project that we had anticipated we would have <br />through October 1st. He, therefore, will increase the revenue <br />side cash forward at the beginning of the year and increase our <br />expense side, which is construction in progress. At this point <br />there is an estimated $288,000 left in Phase 11 between contin- <br />gency and cash carry forward, and that would be reduced by the <br />$199,000. <br />Chairman Scurlock noted that there then will be about <br />$88,000 left between cash forward and contingency, and Director <br />Baird commented that while there are a lot of factors that can <br />7 <br />FEB 161988 <br />eoow 70 F ,C. 825 <br />