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road intersections, should be considered in the application of LOS <br />requirements. An additional aspect of the intersection issue is <br />whether an applicant agreeable to making an improvement which <br />would enhance the service level of a link or intersection can be <br />denied development approval because permits for the proposed <br />improvement are denied by an agency such as FDOT having jurisdic- <br />tion over the improvement. Finally, the question has arisen as to <br />how unsignalized intersections should be addressed in a traffic <br />impact analysis and a LOS determination. <br />At its March 24, 1988 meeting, the Planning & Zoning Commission <br />voted unanimously to recommend that the Board of County Commis- <br />sioners authorize the staff to research, draft, and advertise <br />public hearings to consider changes in the transportation system <br />requirements for the site plan section of the Zoning Code. <br />ALTERNATIVES & ANALYSIS <br />The staff assessed these issues and determined that concern relat- <br />ing to these matters was justified. As written, the current <br />ordinance requires that all intersections within the impact area <br />of a project meet minimum LOS standards. The ordinance, however, <br />does not differentiate between signalized .and 'non -signalized <br />intersections in LOS calculation. Since local roads at inter- <br />sections with major roads often operate at LOS E because of left <br />turn movements, those types of intersections will seldom meet LOS <br />standards. Because improvements to meet LOS standards at these <br />intersections would impede flow on the thoroughfare plan roads and <br />because of the limited function of local roads (primarily to <br />provide property access), the application of LOS standards to <br />local road/thoroughfare plan road intersections and to. <br />unsignalized intersections is not desirable. <br />This issue was researched by the staff, and a possible ordinance <br />amendment to resolve the problem was identified. To ensure that <br />LOS standards are applied only to the major road network, several <br />ordinance amendments should be made. These include limiting the <br />LOS consideration to major thoroughfare links (all roads on the <br />thoroughfare plan) and major intersections (the junction of two or <br />more thoroughfare plan roads); adopting a definition of major <br />thoroughfare link, preparing a definition of major intersection, <br />and revising the LOS criteria applicable to unsignalized inter- <br />sections. <br />The proposed changes will add necessary clarification to the LOS <br />requirement in the ordinance. Without these changes there could <br />be unintended adverse effects on site plan applicants. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />The staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners <br />authorize staff to proceed with ordinance amendments to clarify <br />components of the transportation network subject to LOS require- <br />ments. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by Commis- <br />sioner Bowman, the Board unanimously authorized staff <br />to proceed with ordinance amendments to clarify <br />components of the transportation network subject to <br />LOS requirements. <br />5 <br />APR 2 6 1988 <br />600 7'2i1Ei4 <br />