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PURCHASE OF TRUNKING RADIO REPEATER SYSTEM <br />Admin. Balczun reviewed the following memo: <br />TO: Charles Balczun DATE: June 6, 1988 FILE: <br />County Administrator <br />SUBJECT: Agenda Item - Approval <br />to Purchase Trunking <br />Radio Repeater System <br />FROM: Doug Wright, Director REFERENCES: <br />Emergency Management Services <br />It is requested that the information herein presented be given formal <br />consideration by the Board of County Commissioners at the next regular <br />meeting. <br />DESCRIPTION AND CONDITIONS <br />The Indian River County Board of County Commissioners approved a <br />Five Year Communications Plan on July 9, 1985. This action imple- <br />mented the process of upgrading county communications to a trunking <br />radio system. A majority of the County departments are now utilizing <br />the new trunking radios which provides department autonomy as well <br />as the capability to activate a common net to communicate with other <br />agencies for interagency needs. <br />One of the requirements of the trunking radio system is the use and <br />operation of a repeater system. A fee of $9.00 per month per radio <br />is charged for repeater access in the VHF spectrum. An additional <br />fee of $45.00 is charged each month for those trunking radios' -that <br />have a phone patch capability. Currently, Indian,•River County pays <br />Communications of Vero $1,392 for repeater and RT circuit access. <br />The entire trunking radio repeater system can be purchased. for a <br />quoted price at $53,273.20 including installation. The quoted price <br />includes all-new equipment as noted on attachment. <br />Three additional county departments... have projected the purchase of <br />twenty-two more 800 MHz trunking radios to increase the monthly access <br />fee paid by the County to $1,950 per month in FY 88-89. If approved <br />by the Board of County Commissioners, this would complete to a large' <br />degree the five year communications plan prior adopted by the County. <br />It appears the purchase of the trunking radio repeater system would <br />be appropriate in terms of recurring monthly expenses over the long <br />term. <br />ALTERNATIVES AND ANALYSIS <br />The Indian.River County Board of County Commissioners approved funding <br />in the FY 87-88 budget to purchase the trunking radio system through <br />the Government Lease Program with payments over a seven year span. <br />The significant increase in the number of radios has made the purchase <br />of the system a high priority. At the current monthly rate of $1,950.00, <br />the County could pay for the system in less than thirty months. <br />After the system has been paid for, revenues generated would be used <br />for other improvements in the County Communications system. <br />11 BOOK 73 rnuF, 35 <br />II <br />