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The Administrator explained that all this ultimately will <br />cost more than $50,000; what they are asking is Board approval to <br />begin the project, and then they will return to the Board when <br />additional work is to be done. He further explained that there <br />isn't quite $50,000 available because when the Legislature went <br />through the repeal of the Services Tax, the Sales Tax was <br />adjusted by 10; so, while the number is fairly close to $50,000, <br />that is not the exact number. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by Commis- <br />sioner Bowman, the Board unanimously (3-0) approved <br />installation of the laterals as recommended by staff <br />and authorized preparation of the necessary change <br />order. <br />AWARD OF BID #429R - ELEVATING SCRAPER 8 TRACK TYPE TRACTOR FOR <br />SOLID WASTE <br />Before discussion in regard to the Bid began, Utilities <br />Director Pinto noted that this item should be addressed by the <br />Commission sitting as the Solid Waste Disposal District Board. <br />OMB Director Baird informed the Board that this item will <br />need to be addressed both by the District and by the Board of <br />County Commissioners because we will be trading in equipment <br />which the Board leases to the District. It, therefore, will be <br />necessary that the County Commission first take a vote to declare <br />those two pieces of equipment surplus. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Bowman, SECONDED by Com- <br />missioner Bird, the Board unanimously (3-0) declared <br />the following pieces of equipment surplus: <br />Caterpillar D6C Bulldozer, Serial #10K7309 <br />Caterpillar 623B Elevated Scraper, Serial #46P831 <br />16 BOOK / F' 1f i1 <br />'JUN 141988 <br />