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Director Baird did not want to limit it to commercial <br />accounts because we would have an advance cash deposit. We would <br />allow an individual or firm to play golf until they reach their <br />deposit of $200, for instance. We will have a deposit, and we <br />will monitor it. <br />Administrator Balczun preferred to have these accounts <br />called "advance deposit" accounts instead of "charge accounts", <br />because of the federal and state regulations regarding charge <br />accounts, and Commissioner Wheeler also wished to see them called <br />something else. <br />Commissioner Bird felt that we should keep it on a cash <br />basis, and wished to see it used very discreetly by larger <br />business firms only. <br />Ed Fry, Finance Director, did not feel there would be a need <br />to charge interest because there probably would not be anyone <br />overdue since we would have the deposits on hand. He asked if <br />the Legal Dept. would take a look at whether we have to pay <br />interest on the deposits we have at present. <br />Director Baird advised that at present the County does not <br />pay interest on any other deposits, and Assistant County Attorney <br />Bill Collins explained that essentially a contract is a mutual <br />understanding between parties and the parties can negotiate their <br />own terms. If one party does not wish to pay interest, then the <br />other party must accept that before they enter into an agreement. <br />Commissioner Bowman believed these accounts would end up <br />costing the County money, and suggested that we have a service <br />charge. <br />Commissioner Bird felt we should try it and have staff <br />monitor it, -and then if it gets to be a cumbersome situation, <br />consider a service charge. <br />Director Fry wished to.have the flexibility to work with <br />Director Baird and Bob Komarinetz at the golf course in <br />establishing this system on the Clerk's computer and work out any <br />details. <br />14 BOOK 73 FAG[ .61 <br />JUN 2 11988' <br />