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ON MOTION by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bowman, the Board unanimously (3-0) <br />approved Alternative #1, as recommended by staff, <br />and requested the presentation be scheduled as soon <br />as possible at no extra charge, after which the Board <br />would consider final payment, minus any interest. <br />Commissioner Wheeler felt the presentation will be <br />beneficial to those people supporting or opposing Vero Beach's <br />sandpumping plans since the level of interest is high on both <br />sides. <br />TWO REMAINING RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUSITION PARCELS - 4TH STREET/OLD <br />DIXIE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS <br />The Board reviewed the following memo dated 6/14/88: <br />---------------------------------------------------------------- <br />TO: Charles A. Balczun <br />County Administrator <br />THROUGH: James W. Davis, P.E. <br />Public Works Director <br />FROM: Donald G. Finney, S <br />Right -of -Way Acquisition Agent <br />SUBJECT: Two last remaining r/w acquisition parcels <br />4th Street/Old Dixie intersection improvements <br />DATE: June 14, 1988 <br />----------------------------------------------- <br />BACKGROUND INFORMATION <br />1,992 square feet of additional r/w is required. <br />Appraised August 1987 $1.30 sq. ft. or $2,590 land <br />only. <br />The property owner is willing to sell at $3.00 sq. ft. or <br />$5,976. Additionally a 15" diameter oak tree and a 1811 diameter <br />oak tree in the r/w will have to be purchased and destroyed. <br />Live Oaks 10" diamter by 18' 'to 20' in height can be purchased <br />and installed by Tippen Landscaping at a cost of $550. to $600 <br />each depending on size. <br />Land $5,976 <br />2 oak treet 1.200 <br />$7,176 Total Cost <br />Due to the length of time since the appraisal, loss of the <br />circular driveway, decrease in front yard and loss of trees, <br />privacy and shade, condemnation and updating -the appraisal will <br />exceed settlement cost and take considerable time. <br />39 BOOK 7 3F! Gr 8 6 <br />JUN 211998 <br />