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RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners <br />request that the respondent pay a voluntary fine of $13,000.00, <br />and plant twenty-six red mangrove seedlings along the <br />shoreline of the subject property. In the event that the <br />respondent does not agree to the fine and plantings, staff <br />recommends that the Board of County Commissioners grant staff <br />the authorization to pursue available remedies in County Court. <br />Chairman Scurlock advised that he encouraged Mr. Christou to <br />come in today and explain what he has done and what he has <br />attempted to do after being notified of the violation. He <br />believed that Mr. Christou is sincere and genuine in his regret <br />and concern over cutting the mangroves, and also believed that <br />Mr. Christou really did not know the difference between a <br />mangrove and a Brazilian pepper tree. <br />Nick Christou expressed his regret at cutting down the <br />mangroves in back of his home, and assured the Board that if he <br />had known.what mangroves were, or the laws pertaining to them, he <br />certainly would not have cut them and would not be in the mess he <br />is right now. He reported that he purchased mangrove seedlings <br />from a firm in Melbourne and has planted 52 seedlings, which is <br />double the number he cut. He followed the planting instructions <br />carefully and feels that they will take root and come back real <br />strong. <br />Commissioner Bird asked if it was likely that the mangroves <br />would ever come back, and Environmental Planner Roland DeBlois <br />explained that the more mature ones probably would come back, and <br />approximately 50% of the ones cut were mature. <br />Commissioner Bowman asked the size of the seedlings, and Mr. <br />Christou advised that they were tuber seedlings. <br />Chairman Scurlock wished to see the Board set a fine of <br />$13,000, but waive $12,000 of that and allow him to pay a fine of <br />$1000, and make sure the planting is a success and, in fact, does <br />reestablish that shoreline. If he refuses to do that, then the <br />12'� <br />B00F rp��E 105 <br />JUN 2 8 `991 <br />