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the patients will stay clean. That percentage diminishes a bit <br />after one or two years.- They feel the program is successful. He <br />admitted that Mr. Sloan's daughter went through two programs and <br />still went back to drugs. However, there are many people who go <br />back to alcohol after they have gone through Alcoholics <br />Anonymous, and you can't say that program is unsuccessful. <br />Chairman Scurlock wondered if this was the drug program the <br />County should support, or whether our tax monies would be better <br />spent on law enforcement. <br />Commissioner Bird felt all the experts will tell you that we <br />need to have strong law enforcement, a strong education program <br />throughout the community, and a'third program for the people that <br />already are addicted. He asked how many additional beds this <br />expansion would provide, and Mr. Mills advised that there would <br />be 48 new substance abuse residential treatment beds, but they do <br />not have any money to operate those beds. He estimated that <br />$1 -million would be needed from the State to operate the 48 beds <br />for one year. In addition, they would need to ask the 4 counties <br />for matching monies, approximately $300,000 total. The amount <br />from Indian River County would be less than $100,000, probably <br />$75,000. <br />Chairman Scurlock could not support that kind of <br />expenditure, and felt the best approach would be for the 4 <br />counties to get together and exercise some sort of option on this <br />property that would allow the center to put all the unknowns <br />together and then come back to each County Commission and present <br />the full package. That way the Boards could decide whether they <br />wanted to exercise the option. If Mr. Sloan is willing to do <br />that, he would be willing to at least move ahead in that <br />direction. He could not sit here and commit to $250,000 in this <br />tight budget year without knowing whether all of the 4 counties <br />will approve or whether the State will provide the operating <br />expenses. <br />s Boa 73 rnuc 212 <br />,JUL 12 i9�� <br />