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Commissioner Wheeler asked if we will end up with the R/W <br />eventually or not, and Planner Boling explained that the original <br />proposed site plan set back everything 20' from the existing R/W <br />line. What they are proposing now is just to remove any indica- <br />tion that there is a 10' strip to be dedicated to the county. As <br />it stands now with the modification, they would not be encroach- <br />ing into any future R/W at this time. <br />Commissioner Wheeler noted that if we suspend the applica- <br />tion, they could come back in and change the site plan and move <br />the building over; then we will be back here again. <br />Planner Boling advised that they are not changing the design <br />of the site plan - all that they are asking for right now is the <br />deleting of the reference to that strip, within which strip they <br />showed a bike path. If we do suspend application of the R/W <br />requirements, then they could come back in later on and redesign <br />the parking lot and move it closer to A -1-A. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bird for purposes of discussion, to <br />approve the staff recommendation. <br />Chairman Scurlock felt that the Attorney's office has done a <br />real fine job, as well as the Planning Department. He believed <br />Attorney Bill Collins came up with about 7 cases that are <br />directly on point on this issue, and it was determined that it is <br />an evolving situation and there is no direct answer at this <br />point. The Chairman noted that it is easy from the Planning <br />staff's point of view to say we have to have the roads and we <br />have to have the money - so, let's be aggressive and accomplish <br />that, but the other side of the picture is that developers are <br />trying to get their projects built in a feasible way and all <br />these factors must be balanced. The bottom line is that at some <br />point that infrastructure is going to have to be built and it <br />will come to the point that if you don't have a vehicle to <br />JUL 199 <br />1 s mow 73 r E 262 <br />