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7/23/2015 9:00:46 AM
Creation date
6/8/2015 4:32:29 PM
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L <br />1 <br />It was ordered that zhe bnerii , lax Uollector and Vlerk be notified to Zile their <br />semi-annual report oT fees collected for the six months period December 31st <br />1931. <br />There being no further ousiness, on motion made, seconded and carried the Board <br />then adjourned until the regular meeting to be held in larch 1932. <br />Uhai rman- <br />i <br />Ule rx. <br />------- - - -� ------- - - - - -- -_ - - -- - -- - --- - - -- --1 <br />1VESDAY9URCH lst 1932. <br />The Board of County Commissioners in and f or Indian isiver vounty,bFlorida, met at <br />the Court house in. hero Beach, at 10 o'clock A.B. Tuesday, March lst 1932, with the <br />following. members of the Board present: .Albert U. helseth, chairman; J. D. Yongue; s <br />J., W. LaBruee; J.J.P.Hamilton and Bli C. Walker. also present were Miles warren,ulerk <br />and Clark S. dice, -seriff. <br />I <br />The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. <br />It was ordered that license tags for the County road trucks be purchased. <br />Pay roll for state witnesses at the November 1931 and February 1932 terms of the <br />County Court were approved. <br />This Board having heretofore ordered that U*A.Vandiveer, a member of the Board of <br />Public Instructions file an additional bond, and having further investigated said bond, <br />it was found to be sufficient and ordered that the request heretofore made be rescinded. <br />An offer having been received for the sale of X109000.00 city of TAke -worth bonds, <br />at 25 flat and having communicated with the state treasurers as ex -officio County <br />ireasurer,.and he having recommended that the bonds be not sold at this time at the price: <br />indicated, it was ordered that said bonds be held and not disposed of at this time. <br />i <br />Bill of 824.00 account policy for 01250.00 on county Garages and 'Stock was ordered <br />f <br />approved. <br />Judge Otis X. Cobb appeared before the Board regarding Fine & Cost bond of Albert <br />-spear upon which X25.00 had been paid, said bond being signed by s.V.Rogers abd V!.0. <br />Huggins as sureties. He was advised that this was a. matter between the °aheriff, the <br />defendant, 'Spear and the sureties on the bond. <br />Bills for feeding prisoners and sheriff's criminal cost bill for January 1932 was <br />approved. <br />The Count <br />y Assessor of taxes submitted the tax roll for the year 19319 which was <br />approved, and the following warrant was annexed to said roll: <br />THE STATE OF FLORIDA. <br />To G. R. Olmstead, <br />Tax Collector of the County of Indian River. <br />You are hereby commanded to collect out of the real estate and personal property, <br />and from each of the persons and corporations named in the annexed roll, the taxes set <br />down in each roll opposite each name, corporation or parcel of land therein described, <br />and in case taxes so imposed are not paid at the time prescribed by law, you are to <br />collect the same by levy and sale of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements so <br />assessed, or of the person or corporation so taxed; and all sums collected for the :Mate <br />taxes you are to pay to the State Treasurer at such time as may be required by laws and <br />at the same time you are to pay to the legally qualified Depository all sums collected <br />for County taxes, district school taxes and other special taxes; and you are further <br />� <br />required to make all collections on or before the first Monday in April; and on or before <br />
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