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County, which was delivered to him yesterday and he gave it to <br />Mr. Vitunac. It was a charge against Mr. Blankenship by a female <br />employee here on county time. <br />Commissioner Wheeler commented that he hasn't seen Mr. <br />Balczun really, when push comes to shove, make one decisive <br />decision yet, and did not believe his mode of operation will <br />change in the next 90 days. He didn't do it in the Mattes <br />situation or the Kiser situation, and when he talked to Mr. <br />Balczun Friday, he hadn't yet looked into the charges brought <br />against Mr. Blankenship as to what kind of a case they had. <br />Commissioner Wheeler noted that he then mentioned to Mr. Balczun <br />that there were rumors in the building about sexual advances by <br />Mr. Blankenship to female employees and he recommended that the <br />Administrator look into that and trace that down and find out <br />whether they are accurate or inaccurate. Commissioner Wheeler <br />stated that as far as he knows, nothing has been done in that <br />direction either. <br />Commissioner Bird asked if the Motion on the floor to <br />dismiss is with cause or without cause. <br />Chairman Scurlock stated that the Motion, as he understands <br />it, is to dismiss him and go by the terms of the contract, which <br />we feel is valid, which is the 90 days. <br />Commissioner Bird, noted that, in other words, it is to <br />terminate and give him 90 days' notice. <br />Chairman Scurlock confirmed that the only thing different <br />than yesterday is that we don't want him here for the 90 days. <br />Commissioner Wheeler advised that his Motion is based on a <br />conversation he had with Mr. Vitunac this morning. There is a <br />possibility that the Administrator could be terminated with <br />cause, but due to the situation we are in, Mr. Vitunac advised <br />him that without cause is the best approach to take. We must <br />look ahead to the legal battle we are going to have because Mr. <br />Balczun refuses to answer a direct question, and Commissioner <br />Wheeler stated that he cannot work with someone who won't answer <br />8 <br />AUG 10 1988 Boos 7 f,, t. 4%'Q <br />I <br />