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While he appreciated all the dialogue they have had with the <br />county during the workshops, he felt the formula could be better <br />defined, and urged the Board to delay the start-up by 90 days. <br />Ann Reuter, general builder of low cost housing in the <br />county, believed that homes in the $40,000-$50,000 range would be <br />a thing of the past by next year if the impact fees are increased <br />because builders are getting squeezed on the gross margin. She <br />suggested that the impact fees be collected at the time the <br />Certificate of Occupancy is issued rather than having to pay them <br />up front when the building permit is.pulled. Mrs. Reuter <br />believed that low income people do not travel as much as other <br />people who make more money and should not have to pay as much for <br />road construction as higher income people. <br />Commissioner Eggert asked what the difference would be to <br />the County if the impact fees were collected at the time the C.O. <br />was issued rather than when the building permit was pulled, and <br />Director Keating explained that was an administrative option <br />which was considered 2-1/2 years ago when the impact fees were <br />first under consideration. However, you need the improvements <br />before someone gets there, not after he is already there. <br />Basically, it is much more difficult administratively to collect <br />the fees at C.O. time, particularly for commercial or other types <br />of uses, such as remodeling or expansion. <br />Chairman Scurlock pointed out that the County also has a <br />cash flow situation with road construction. <br />Bob Reider, speaking on behalf of the Civic Association <br />which endorses the concept and the proposed impact fees, felt <br />that the information given during the August workshops was very <br />well presented. While confident about the way staff arrived at <br />their basic figures, he felt perhaps some minor adjustments are <br />needed. He strongly urged the Board to adopt this ordinance <br />today. <br />P.1 3 X988 <br />41 <br />Boo 74 Fvl�,.174 <br />