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the Wilder Corp. is the best quality of water and adequate <br />quantity for all their usage except lawn sprinkling. They are <br />requesting that the permitting agencies make sure the plant is <br />large enough to produce the quality and quantity of potable water <br />needed for their consumption, but it appears from the letter just <br />received that they want to renovate the old plant to bring it up <br />to just barely meet the specifications required. <br />Chairman Scurlock believed under the new Safe Water Drinking <br />Act requirements, they most probably will not be able to blend. <br />Our current blend rate at our own South County R.O. plant is <br />about 40%, and be just wanted something on record noting that <br />when we are talking about their proposal of 70,000 gpd available <br />to blend, there -;is no assurance they will be able to blend. <br />Director Pinto confirmed that there certainly isn't any <br />assurance they wilI be able to blend. He explained that the <br />ability to blend is determined by the product water versus the <br />raw water, and it depends on the condition of your raw water. It <br />can't be compared to another treatment facility - you have to <br />look at the specifics. Our blend is down less than 40% now. As <br />the membranes deteriorate, they produce a lesser quality of <br />product water, and then the blend has to decline; so, when you <br />design the system, you must make sure it is designed Targe enough <br />to handle that decline. <br />Chairman Scurlock noted that if you took their existing <br />proposal of 50,000 gpd. and had a 50 % blend rate, you would have <br />100 gpd of product water, and you still don't have a proposal <br />that will meet even the summer needs of the residents. <br />Director Pinto was not sure that in our review we will even <br />look at the ability to blend. <br />Commissioner Eggert wished it clarified that when Director <br />Pinto said the blend would deteriorate, he meant the product <br />water would have to increase and there would be less untreated <br />water, i.e., 60/40 would go to 70/30, and that was confirmed. <br />OCT 181988 <br />•. <br />24 <br />Boor 74 wif-.544 <br />