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OCT 18 <br />4. COMPLIANCE OF LAW. Tenant shall comply with all of <br />the laws, rules, ordinances and regulations of the County, <br />State and Federal government and agencies regarding the use <br />of the.leased.premises. <br />5. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS. The Tenant agrees to make <br />any and all repairs and improvements to the leased premises <br />and agrees to keep said premises in a safe, clean and <br />attractive condition during the terms of this Lease. Upon <br />the expiration of the Lease, the Tenant shallsurrender the <br />premises quietly and peaceably in substantially the same <br />condition as it was at the outset of this Lease, reasonable <br />wear and tear and damage by the elements excepted. <br />6. INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL OF EQUIPMENT AND FIXTURES. <br />Tenant shall have the right to install on the premises such <br />equipment, fixtures. and other items necessary or convenient <br />for its use of the premises. All equipment and property <br />purchased by the Tenant and placed in, on, or about the <br />leased premises; -including equipment not affixed to the <br />realty, shall'iremain the property of the Tenant. Tenant may <br />remove same on or before the termination of the Lease, <br />provided that ,if removalresults in damage to any part of <br />the leased premises, the Tenant shall return the leased <br />property to a condition suitable for the original intended <br />use of that part of the leased property. In addition, any <br />and all personal property not attached or installed in any <br />building or structure shall remain Tenant's property and may <br />be removed on or prior to termination of this Lease. <br />7. PUBLIC UTILITIES. The Tenant will pay within time <br />allowed for payment without penalties, all charges for water <br />and electricity and all other public' Utilities which may <br />arise from the Tenant's use of the leased property. <br />8. HOLD HARMLESS. The Tenant agrees to hold harmless <br />and indemnify Landlord from all liability which may arise <br />from the Tenant's use of the leased property. <br />988 <br />41 <br />EAoor .74 C,IE.561 <br />