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TO: Bill Collins <br />Acting County <br />Administrator <br />FROM: <br />DATE: October 26, 1988 FILE: <br />SUBJECT: <br />SELECTION OF INSURANCE <br />COVERAGES FOR FISCAL <br />88-89 <br />Susan M. TillQ REFERENCES: <br />Risk Manager <br />BACKGROUND <br />On September 27, 1988 at The Commission Meeting, the Risk Manager <br />presented renewal rates for present insurance coverages. <br />At this meeting the Risk Manager also recommended that the County <br />Commission not renew former negotiated coverages and in lieu of <br />same consider the Gallagher Bassett Package Program. <br />The Board asked all insurance representatives at the meeting <br />which included Louis Schlitt, Hamilton Arden, Brad Clark, Florida <br />League of Cities and Glen Toby, Gallagher Bassett questions <br />relating to each offered coverage. It was then decided to take <br />the matter of insurance under advisement for thirty days for <br />review by staff. <br />During the thirty day period a meeting was called by the Risk <br />Manager so that Joe Baird, Charles Vitunac and Bill Collins could <br />meet with each insurance company who put forth a package plan and <br />ask questions. <br />The Board of County Commissioners was also given copies of all <br />package proposals for their review. <br />ANALYSIS <br />The average dollars paid for Property and General Liability <br />claims (including Auto and Public Officials Liability) for the <br />past four years was $20,983 or a total of $83,933. <br />During the past four years the premiums paid on the above cove- <br />rage approximated in excess of two million dollars. This is <br />$1,900,000 more than claims paid. The question becomes why are <br />such premiums paid.when the claims experience is so low. The <br />$2,000,000 paid during that time could have accumulated <br />interest for the County so that with current premium money <br />budgeted the insurance fund could be at almost four million dollars <br />in fiscal 89-90. <br />Average dollars paid for Worker's Compensation over the past four <br />years was $113,090. Total dollars paid during that time was <br />$452,361. Approximately $2,000,000 in premiums was also paid on <br />this type coverage over the past four years or $1,500,000 more <br />than we paid in claims. The interest accumulated on this money <br />plus the addition of this year's budgeted premium could have <br />accumulated to develop a fund of approximately $3,000,000 by now. <br />The above analysis shows that the County could have accumulated <br />approximately seven million dollars in an insurance fund on this <br />date had claims been paid in house rather than through the <br />purchase of exorbitant insurance premiums. <br />NOV 11988 <br />45 BOOK 75 PAGE 45 <br />