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ON MOTION by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Eggert, the Board unanimously authorized <br />staff to submit an application for Historic <br />Preservation Grant -in -Aid for the amount of $9,440, to <br />be matched by the County as shared with participating <br />municipalities. <br />COPY OF SAID APPLICATION IS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF CLERK TO THE <br />BOARD. <br />SHERIFF'S FIREARMS RANGE <br />Commissioner Bird advised that they are going to need at <br />least another week to come back with anything firm on this <br />matter. As suggested at last week's meeting, he, Jim Davis, Ron <br />Brooks from Utilities and Roy Raymond from the Sheriff's office <br />went out to the Landfill to look at the possibilities of using <br />that for a firing range. Unfortunately, they could not find a <br />site out there that is Targe enough or in the proper area for a <br />gun range. It did make sense to use that big mound of earth out <br />there asa back berm for the firing range, but immediately <br />adjacent to that is a huge lake that we have created by dredging <br />material to build that mountain. So, there is no dry land there <br />to shoot from. The whole acreage out there is pretty well used <br />up in the master plan they have completed for the Landfill area. <br />Their search took them to other properties in the vicinity and <br />also to the west side of 1-95 that could have a potential use for <br />a range facility as well as some potential use to the Utilities <br />Dept. as a borrow area. <br />Bill Stegkemper, member of the Firing Range Committee, <br />emphasized that they have been looking for property for the last <br />5 years, and felt we need to refocus on the area west of 1-95 <br />near CR -512. <br />Commissioner Bird advised that they will be coming back with <br />something next week. <br />14 BOOK 76 FAGE.5:3O <br />APR 1 1 1989 <br />