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APS 2 0 1989 <br />B00r /b GAGE 664 <br />staff the tools they need to get started very quickly with a <br />plant in the South County. The City will look at their flow line <br />monthly and issue a report indicating how close they are getting <br />to threshholds until it gets to a point where both City and <br />County staff agree they will have to refuse to sign any more <br />permits. To use Grove Isle as an example, their consulting <br />engineer must prepare a DER form showing what the flows are, <br />where the effluents will be treated, and the ability of the <br />treatment plant to handle that effluent, etc. In the past that <br />form was signed by the consultant and then came to the City <br />Manager for his signature. It now has been decided that both the <br />County staff and City staff will review this form and sign off on <br />it before it goes to the City Manager. Director Pinto will keep <br />a log as will City Utility Director Hillman Goff so they will <br />know when a threshold is being approached, and when both those <br />names are on the application, then and then only will the form go <br />to the City Manager for signature. That is how they propose to <br />control interim use. <br />Commissioner Scurlock had a few comments on service areas. <br />He believed the purpose of this meeting is joint cooperation. He <br />reviewed the history of the whole situation and the various <br />agreements over the years when nobody really knew where we wanted <br />to go. He believed a lot of credit is due for trying to get rid <br />of all of that and looking to the future, and he felt this is a <br />very good beginning. This has been done on an engineering and <br />cost effective basis, not a political basis; and lines have been <br />drawn. He felt, however, that we need to plant the seed that a <br />lot more needs to be done. The 1986 Safe Water Drinking Act is a <br />reality, and it will present significant problems for both the <br />City and the County, and that also goes over into the wastewater, <br />which is going to require more extensive treatment. This, of <br />course, involves substantial expenditure, and all that relates <br />back to rates. Commissioner Scurlock noted that the County has <br />made a commitment and has instructed staff to move ahead; the <br />8 <br />