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APR 2 5 1989 <br />BOOK 76 uu 692 <br />Commissioner Bowman still didn't feel that Commissioner <br />Scurlock meant for us to acquire it. <br />Commissioner Scurlock asked Administrator Chandler, based on <br />the Motion and the job that staff has been given on this, if he <br />felt 30 days is a realistic timeframe for coming back to the <br />Board with a recommendation. <br />Administrator Chandler didn't think staff could have a total <br />package together in 30 days, in terms of all the funding <br />alternatives and operation/maintenance cost figures, but did feel <br />some of the front end work could be done in 30 days' time. After <br />sitting down with Mr. Ewing and Mr. Fletcher and identifying some <br />of our costs and putting price tags on each parcel, it will be <br />possible to determine our financing alternatives. At this time <br />he wasn't clear whether the Board was looking at all of the <br />parcels or just the 19 acres. Administrator Chandler emphasized <br />that he and Joe Baird are scheduled to begin their budget <br />sessions this afternoon and that is something that cannot wait. <br />He felt, however, they could hit the basic elements and aspects <br />of this matter within a 30 -day timeframe, and hoped that Mr. <br />Ewing will show us some flexibility with regard to the 45 -day <br />timeframe when he realizes that it appears there is a sincere <br />expression on the part of the County Commission to pursue this. <br />That would be one of the first things we would want to discuss <br />with Mr. Ewing. <br />Commissioner Bird felt that if Mr. Ewing gets a good clear <br />indication that it appears that at least a majority of this Board <br />is inclined to try to work out something to purchase the <br />property, he would take that into consideration of his <br />development plans for that property. <br />Mr. Fletcher advised that the point of date is 45 days from <br />the date of April 20, which makes it June 5th. <br />Commissioner Scurlock asked Mr. Fletcher if it would help, <br />after this Motion is voted on, to have another Motion that went <br />