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Commissioner Bird agreed. He stated that if the Adminis- <br />trator's analysis shows that it looks like someone needs these <br />computers and they already have it in their budget and RFPs have <br />gone out, he would hate to see it automatically get delayed into <br />the next year regardless of what we do with Mr. Barton on the big <br />computer. <br />Commissioner Eggert noted that she would find it easier to <br />vote on a Motion that just says we will study this rather than <br />that we will go to the next budget year on it. <br />COMMISSIONER SCURLOCK STATED THAT IF THE BOARD WILL FEEL <br />MORE COMFORTABLE, HE WILL REMOVE FROM HIS MOTION THE ABSOLUTE <br />THAT WE WAIT UNTIL NEXT BUDGET YEAR AND JUST SAY THAT STAFF HAS <br />THE ABILITY TO ANALYZE THIS SITUATION AND COME BACK WITH A <br />RECOMMENDATION IN A TIMELY FASHION. <br />COMMISSIONER BOWMAN CONCURRED AND RENEWED HER SECOND. <br />.THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION ON THE MOTION AMENDED <br />AS STATED ABOVE. <br />It was voted on and carried unanimously. <br />SHERIFF'S REQUEST FOR FUNDS FOR ACCREDITATION <br />Undersheriff Roy Raymond came before the Board and advised <br />that at the Meeting of April 18th the Commission had asked for <br />additional information on the standards to be met, policies, <br />etc., plus the video tape, and a package was provided to them. <br />In addition, the following memo sets out a scaled down fee amount <br />of $13,775, instead of $14,500, which would apply on a two - <br />payment plan, and the remaining figures cost out the equipment <br />and supplies that would be required. <br />21 <br />BOCK 76 r,%; 748 <br />