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it. Commissioner Eggert emphasized that the county has not taken <br />over the volunteer ambulance squad. We are working in coopera- <br />tion with it, and every bit of community support possible should <br />be given to the ambulance squads. She does not want that <br />misunderstood. The other thing that has come up is that <br />everything has seemed to hone in on the cost and whether the <br />relative cost is more or less than before. She wants people to <br />remember that the reason this came up in the first place is that <br />the Ward Report that the Hospital had done was concerned #1 with <br />operations. It focused on the fact that there was no central <br />point operating these squads; that we had too many cars on the <br />road responding all at one time; and that territorialism had <br />developed among the different entities. Then we came to the cost <br />factor - the other factors were much stronger. Commissioner <br />Eggert emphasized that we have wonderful cooperation going now <br />and she continues with her desire to support the volunteer <br />ambulance squads as much as we can. <br />Chairman Wheeler concurred and believed the whole Board <br />does. He noted that he sits on the Board of the United Way, and <br />he wished to clarify the statement made by Mr. Evans, President <br />of the United Way, so it doesn't become a further misunderstand- <br />ing. Although he has not read the article referred to, he <br />assumed Mr. Evans was referring to the fact that the United Way <br />had expanded its contributions to Fellsmere Ambulance Squad when <br />it took over Sebastian, and in no way was United Way looking at <br />not supporting the Fellsmere Ambulance Squad. Possibly they were <br />looking at that portion that had been spent on Sebastian because <br />they were no longer a volunteer agency and no longer providing <br />the service to Sebastian. The Chairman did not feel that United <br />Way's support of the Ambulance Squad has in any way diminished, <br />nor did he believe there is any intention of that. He <br />personally always has supported the volunteers, and they do an <br />excellent job. <br />37 <br />MAY 21989 <br />