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restriction on the employees or the number of people are the <br />physical limitations of the plants or whatever it is that is <br />being permitted. Attorney O'Haire noted that the last site plans <br />he was involved with were Walmart and a Publix at the corner of <br />Oslo Road and U.S. #1, and he could guarantee that the number of <br />employees has never come up. That is a huge project at that <br />corner, but the number of employees is not an issue. It is the <br />physical limitations of what is approved that is going to <br />determine the number of employees permitted. <br />Commissioner Scurlock understood that Attorney O'Haire's <br />position is that the number of employees should not appear on the <br />site plan, and that if the number of employees is questioned at <br />some point, it would be a Code Enforcement problem. <br />Attorney O'Haire said that is exactly his position, because <br />that is what it is everywhere else in the County. Mr. Kirrie <br />feels that this is an unreasonable limitation that has been <br />imposed on him for no good reason other than to stymie him. It <br />is not asked of anybody else, and that, quite simply, is Mr. <br />Kirrie's position. <br />Administrator Chandler had a problem with that because <br />without setting a specific limit, it would be difficult for a <br />Code Enforcement officer to determine how many employees are <br />allowed out there. <br />Attorney O'Haire emphasized that at one point in time, Mr. <br />Kirrie was grandfathered, and then he was made legal. So, one of <br />the legal issues is how many employees is he entitled to as a <br />grandfathered use. Another legal issue is the text of Ordinance <br />87-22 itself where it states "a business conducted by family <br />members". It doesn't resolve the number of employees. Nobody <br />ever is going to go to Piper Aircraft Corporation and say we are <br />going to count your employees. It just is not done. Mr. Kirrie <br />is the only one that ever applied for site plan approval under <br />Ordinance 87-22, and yes, if you go to the text of Ordinance <br />MAY 16 i1J89 <br />19 <br />Roos 76 ['AGE 852 <br />